Yo-Yo Chiropractic
You start a diet, lose 15 lbs, then quit…only to gain the weight back, plus five extra pounds. When it’s time to fit into that bathing suit, you’ll repeat the process all over again. Yo-yo dieting is transient and event based – not lifestyle based, thus the results are always fleeting.
Yo-yo adjusting works the same way. Pain based clients neglect themselves into a health crisis, start some chiropractic care to address it and once they get results, quit…only to gain the problem back, plus a few extra aches down the road. When the flair ups interfere with their life, they run back to the chiropractor for another round of ‘pain-loss’ care. But like yo-yo dieting, the results of on again – off again chiropractic are fleeting because a commitment has yet to be made.
It’s obvious, actively engaging in healthy rountines (like clearing nerve stress from your spine on a regular basis) is better for your overall wellness than living crisis to crisis. Not to mention, it’s cheaper on your pocketbook too. Keeping your spine in optimal shape is not an event – it’s a Lifestyle.